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Shanghai Mermaid

The dragon ball

on saturday, february 1st,

you are cordially

invited to join us for our

signature soirée and lunar new

year / spring festival celebration! come

in your jazz age finest to watch mesmerizing

performances, sip secret elixirs, and dance the

night away beneath a glittering dragon and

glowing lanterns. join us as we honor

the first new moon of the lunar

calendar and toast to

the year of the





- gramaphone  by  dj  mac

- burlesque by calamity chang

- classical  chinese  dance  by  ling  tang

- pipa by zhou yi & flute by miao yimin of

the  ba  ban  chinese  music  society

- hot jazz by drew nugent & the

midnight society


- bazi chinese metaphysical

readings by julie huang, available

in the lobby starting during

the cocktail hour.


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on the ground floor at

the back of the bar, we'll have

veggie lo mein {from wo hop}!

$15 cash or venmo.


elegant, dressy vintage

or vintage - inspired, formal,

cocktail, high glamour, or fabulous

creative attire required. casual attire

will not be admitted {no t-shirts,

jeans, baseball caps, day-

wear}. thank you!

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cocktail hour: 7-8pm 

come early to hear gramaphone

dj mac play, plus a performance.

main party: 8pm-12:30pm

performances through-

out the evening.


will be in the basement

across from the restrooms.



main party $60

cocktail hour + main $75

late night tix (after 10pm) $40


click box below for photos, tickets & seating.

(please note that there are no refunds).





i'll be donating a percentage of the

party proceeds to the wonderful organization

Heart of Dinner. founded at the onset of the covid-19

shutdown, the founders, yang chin and moon lynn tsai, started

cooking meals in their home for the Asian American older adults

in chinatown that faced food insecurity, isolation, and violence. they

not only filled an urgent need, but they created a loving community of

caring. their mission continues and has grown to have four locations

around nyc. they now work with local restaurants to create culturally

thoughtful, nutritious food, while volunteers pack it all up in hand-

illustrated paper bags with hand written love notes in each of

the beneficiary's native languages. the care packages

nourish not only their physical, but also their

mental and emotional well-being.

if you'd like to donate directly, do so HERE.

if you'd like to volunteer sign up HERE.

Heart of Dinner is a  501 (c) (3)

non-profit organization.




 contact me if you'd like to volunteer for set-up

AND break-down the night of the soirée in exchange

for entry, or even if you're unable to help but

can't afford the cost of the ticket right now.

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~ estonian house ~

243 e. 34th st., ny, ny 10016 *

the beautiful beaux arts building

was built in 1898, and is currently

a private membership club

for the estonian


* the building is not

wheelchair accessible.

2025 marks the 10th dragon ball

and shanghai mermaid's 18th anniverary!

how time flies! i hope you'll join me in toasting

this new year {of the snake}. i have a feeling that

community will be especially important in

the coming year, so let's keep coming

together to celebrate and

create community.

see you soon.

xo juliette

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